Ride on Time
How totally gorgeous is this pendant–I am so ordering one today! Emma Franklin's solid silver/gold plated range would make a perfect gift for anyone who may be equine-inclined, like many of us in the office… Annabelle shows Australian Riding Ponies, Emilie has four horses at home and I have a Riding Pony of my own. There isn't too much horse-orientated that gets past us. Check out our Elegant Equine Experience story from Issue 3 for a country-inspired wedding setting.

Small Horse Chain with T-Bar UK£115

Horse Cufflinks (pair) UK£150

Posted by Jane Cameron
You have read this article Jewellery with the title . You can bookmark this page URL http://celebratetheyear.blogspot.com/2008/08/ride-on-time-how-totally-gorgeous-is.html?m=0. Thanks!

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